Saroma Educational and Cultural Society
Reg. No. - 122202355694
General FAQs
Q: How can I make a donation?
A: You can make a donation online (UPI and Internet Banking), by mail, or by phone.
Q: What are the different ways to donate?
A: You can donate a one-time amount, or you can set up a recurring donation. You can also donate in-kind, such as by donating goods or services.
Q: How secure is my donation?
A: Your donation is secure. We use a secure payment processor to process all donations.
Q: What happens to my donation?
A: Your donation will be used to support our mission of imparting higher education in rural India.
Q: How can I track my donation?
A: You will receive a receipt for your donation. You can also track your donation online.
Q: How can I get involved in other ways?
A: You can get involved in other ways, such as by volunteering or spreading the word about our organization.
Q: Will I get any tax benefits?
A: Yes, you will get the benefit under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961 of India.